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"My sessions with Ms Preeti came at a fairly critical point for and i am happy to say they've been incredibly helpfu.Her non-judgemental manner made hard topics easier to address head-on,which i really needed. These sessions allowed me to really stop and consider my perspecyives ina way i hadn'd before.There could not have been a more qualified or kinder therapist out there tp be with me through these times and i'm forever grateful.I highly recommend her"​
-PK (Jan 2021)


" I have done CBT with Preeti over a period of three months. It has helped me tremendously. When I started, I had reservations as to how these sessions and methodology would work for me, however, they proved unfounded. I am able to handle personal and professional situations in a more rational manner now and am able to be more discerning, where required. This therapy has helped me break free from an unhappy relationship too."
-AR (Jan, 2021)

"My therapy sessions with Preeti have been immensely helpful with building my mental resilience and navigating emotions healthily. Preeti has helped me with my anxiety and now a year later I can see clear results in my outlook, mental health and even personality. I would highly recommend Preeti to anyone who wants to start their journey to managing their mental health positively! "
-A G( Feb,2022)

"Thank you so much. Some of the things you pointed out were really eye opening and very liberating.
I don't like people who are not good in their work, at the same time I really admire people who are good in their work. And you are Damn good in your work"
- A.J.(2023)

"From the very first session, it was evident that Preeti's approach was something truly unique. With a perfect blend of empathy and professionalism, she created a safe space where I felt comfortable opening up about my struggles.Her deep understanding of the complexities of my problems reassured me that I was not alone in this journey. Her guidance on managing expectations within relationships was a game-changer for me. I learned how to set healthy boundaries, communicate effectively, and recognize signs of unrealistic expectations. She patiently walked me through my thought patterns, helping me identify and challenge negative beliefs that were exacerbating my depression."
- R. J .'23

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